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We are proud to present a clear pricing so that you can make the best choice that will match your business situation, for more details, do not hesitate to contact us. Contract is always annual, payment and management can be done on a monthly basis depending on the number of mailboxes.

Number of Accounts Data Capacity Maximum Attachment Size

Space adding


Monthly cost per mailbox Monthly payment and management Installation Fees the 1st year
15(min) - 50 15Gb*nb of Mbxe's 100Mb 50Gb shared by group of users 5.00 No $100
51 - 100 15Gb*nb of Mbxe's 100Mb 50Gb shared by group of users 4.75 Yes $150
101 - 250 15Gb*nb of Mbxe's 100Mb 50Gb shared by group of users 4.50 Yes $175
251 and more 15Gb*nb of Mbxe's 100Mb 50Gb shared by group of users 4.25 Yes $200

Please note that the prices in CAD have been reviewed and do not apply to customers contracted before June 2017.

About Us

G-R provides IT services since 1995. Our expertise in open collaboration technologies allow us to assist our clients all along their project, from the analysis to the production and to ensure the maintenance and support of their systems.